In announcing its plans to launch a new partnership next year Accounting Age Tilley said he would seek to better use of resources to promote their joint nomination CGMA.
"It's not the end of them," Tilley said. "We will continue to promote management accounting, strengthening [the offer] for employers, strengthening our research and development are maintaining our objective of MA and the Royal Charter .."
CIMA and the AICPA have worked together since 2012, providing a description of the global management accounting (CGMA) to the appropriate members. The move caused some controversy with a former president of CIMA describing the joint venture foam "marketing". The initial risk has not been put before the members for a vote.
However, the two bodies are clearly very happy with his progress to take another step forward. The association, which is currently unnamed, will allow the structure and better aligned resources to further promote CGMA designation. "This will allow the partnership in action worldwide," Tilley said. "This is the expansion of our global presence."
A consultation will be launched very soon the founding members of CIMA before the decision is put to a vote at the General Meeting of April 2016. If approved, the new partnership, which will be owned 50/50 between the two bodies created in June
There are currently 150,000 accounting management represented by the CGMA designation between the two organizations. The company has seen the introduction of the principles of comprehensive management accounting, reflecting how to deal with the main risks facing accountants and values that must be respected. A competency framework has also been introduced to support the need for higher skill levels, while being objective and ethical
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